Ticket #4646 (closed defect: worksforme)

Opened 5 days ago

Last modified 5 days ago

modfy time , format listing , date displayed : what's wrong ?

Reported by: lumi Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: mc-core Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Branch state: no branch Votes for changeset:


Various smaller things that appear to be faulty or missing. Why? #1 In the core header, the sort order jumps back from modify time to name - happens when the switch is activated. Why? #2 In the listing format under user defined: user-mini-status, mtime is entered correctly. This does not work correctly. Running a command "ls -l" for the file shows the correct date. In the mc window, various files are displayed with different missing dates. Those with the data are in the upper part of the listing without the correct date. Why? #3 In the listing format, the selection and function for switching the displayed directories to the other end to a listing in the mc windows is missing. Why?

Verschiedene kleinere Dinge ,
die fehlerhaft oder fehlend wirken .
Weswegen ?

Im core-header springt die sort-order von modify time auf name zurück -
geschieht bei betätigung des schalters .
warum ?

Im listing format unter user definiert : user-mini-status sind mtime korrekt eingetragen . dies bleibt nicht korrekt funktionsfähig .

ein ausgeführtes kommando " ls -l "
zur datei zeigt korrektes datum .

Im mc Fenster werden verschiedene Dateien unterschiedlich eines fehlenden Datums angezeigt . Diese mit den Daten sind im
oberen Teil des listings ohne korrekt aufgeführtes Datum . wieso ?

In dem listing format fehlt die auswahl und funktion für das umstellen der angezeigtwn directory's an das andere ende zu einem listing in den mc fenstern . weshalb ?


file-times-ministatus-info.png (157.5 KB) - added by lumi 5 days ago.

Change History

Changed 5 days ago by lumi

comment:1 follow-up: ↓ 2 Changed 5 days ago by lumi


comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 5 days ago by andrew_b

Replying to lumi:



comment:3 Changed 5 days ago by zaytsev

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Version version not selected deleted
  • Resolution set to worksforme
  1. Please use mailing list for support. This is not an online support forum for Midnight Commander. It's a bug tracking system. If you have identified a bug in mc, then feel free to open a ticket. However, you need to make it possible for us to reproduce the problem. If we cannot reproduce it, then the ticket is useless, because the problem cannot be fixed.
  1. Just above the form where you enter text it says "You may use WikiFormatting here." The link https://midnight-commander.org/wiki/WikiFormatting shows how to format your text. Read it and use it.

Im core-header springt die sort-order von modify time auf name zurück

Cannot reproduce. If you click on the switch, it changes to reverse order. If you click on a different column (e.g. mtime instead of a name), then it switches to the mtime, which is how it is supposed to work.

Im listing format unter user definiert : ... . dies bleibt nicht korrekt funktionsfähig .

In dem listing format fehlt die auswahl und funktion ...

Your text is impossible to understand, neither in German original, nor in machine translation to English.

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