Last modified 12 years ago
Last modified on 07/19/12 07:04:14
Midnight Commander 4.8.3
View all closed tickets for this release
Major changes since 4.8.2
Diff viewer
- Code cleanup (#2780)
- Broken support of XDG_* shell variables (#1851)
- Segmentation fault while background copying (#2663)
- MC ignores second directory argument (#2762)
- Interpretation of LANG variable needs to be case insensitive (#2386)
- Cannot copy zero-length files with "Preallocate space" option (#2755)
- Problem in the Copy operation with unchecked the "Preserve attributes" option (#2278)
- Cursor position reset after update when panel is panelized, but doesn't (#2766)
- File selection reset after exit from the archive in the root (#2776)
- Hotlist: broken newly added entries if old-style path is present (#2753)
- Can't rebind Fx keys in the file manager (#2384)
- "justified" menu alignment (#2756)
- The last (or single) word of hyperlinks in the interactive help don't act on mouse clicks (#2763)
- 'cd' command is not working in shell link (#2758)
- mc hangs on switching screens (#2608)
- Case sensitive search with SEARCH_TYPE_PCRE is broken (#2764)
- mcedit can't run w/o file as parameter (#2754)
- mcedit can't record input char (#2757)
- mcedit: save file on top of existing directory changes dir's permissions (#2761)
- Unable to edit gzipped files (#2759)
- mcedit hangs up on replace with regexp contains '^' or '$' (#1868)
- Segfault after open incorrect archive (#2775)
- mcdiff crashes if one panel is not in the listing mode (#2769)
- The password for vfs sessions remains in input history (#2760)
- Showing directory sizes is broken in VFS'es (#2765)
- Stale symlinks in vfs (#2777)
- Active VFS directories list contain incorrect current path (#2779)
- Date not set properly in manpage (#2692)
- Empty texinfo rule in mc.ext (#2774)
- Test failure if 'HOME' contains trailing slashes (#2768)