= Midnight Commander 4.8.29 = [http://www.midnight-commander.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=version&col=severity&milestone=4.8.29 View all closed tickets for this release] == Major changes since 4.8.28 == === Core === * Add more options for panel filter (#1373): * "Files only" (#4209) * "Case sensitive" (#4334) * "Using shell patterns" === VFS === === Editor === * Add syntax highlighting: * Privoxy (https://www.privoxy.org) actions files (#4384) === Viewer === === Diff viewer === === Misc === * Code cleanup (#4357) * sqlite3 view: use 'immutable=1' URI parameter to prevent leaving wal/shm files after viewing sqlite database (#4369) * Filehighlight: === Fixes === * Wrong version sort (#4374) * Filter keyboard shortcut only affects left panel (#4383) * File type check does not work with special character in filename (#4377) * FISH subshell: commands don't work after window resize (#4372) * FTP VFS: doesn't reconnect to server after timeout (#3670) * Tests: variable redeclaration in filevercmp_test5 (#4358)