= Midnight Commander 4.8.0-pre2 = [http://www.midnight-commander.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=component&col=version&col=severity&milestone=4.8.0-pre2 View all closed tickets for this release] == Major changes since 4.8.0-pre1 == === Core === === VFS === * New extfs plugin: gitfs (#2467) * patchfs enchancement: join several hunks of the same file into one VFS entry (#2573) === Editor === === Misc === * mc.ext: use "include" for $EDITOR entries (#1689) * New file bindings: * .3gp - video (#2583) === Fixes === * Cannot compile 4.8.0-pre1 and on Solaris (#2587) * Duplication of variable declarations (#2576) * Wrong Backspace key behavior in !QuickSearch mode if BS key is mapped to !CdParentSmart action (#2522) * Panelize doesn't honour current sorting (#2175) * Hex search: incorrect length usage in hexadecimal search (#2579) * Editor: Incorrect Pascal syntax highlighting (#2531) * Viewer: Fixed search finds bold/underlined strings twice and highlight search results (#265) * VFS: Fixed broken listing in ExtFS VFS module (#81)